Large Non-Woven Grocery Tote Bag

  • Made of 100gsm non-woven material, these bags are eco-friendly and can be used multiple times, reducing the use of disposable bags.
  • The reinforced stitching and extra piping along the major seams make the bags strong and durable to carry heavy items.
  • They have straps that fit over most shoulders for easy carrying and a visible logo for promotional purposes.
  • These bags are versatile and can be used as giveaways at trade shows or corporate events.
  • Optional bag inserts are available, providing added convenience and organization for your customers' shopping needs.
Production Time: 10 Working Days
100 $2.93 each
250 $2.52 each
500 $2.33 each
1000 $2.13 each
2500 $1.82 each
Do your part to save the environment, and save on bag fees too - imprint on our multi-use reusable grocery tote bags! These are a great promotional tool, either at trade shows or as corporate giveaways. Featuring 100gsm non-woven material with reinforced stitching and extra piping along major seams, our straps fit over most shoulders, so no matter what you're carrying, it rests secure behind a highly visible, crisp logo! Ask about RUSH production!

Normal Production Time
10 Working Days

Product Size
13 IN Wide X 15 IN Tall X 10 IN Deep

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