Standard Folded Postcard with 3.5x4 Magnet (25 mil.) - 10 pt.

  • Folded post cards give you extra impact in your direct mail (or bulk mail) marketing especially when a magnet is included.
  • Your 3.5 x 4 magnet (25 mil) is glued in the inside of the folded post card, giving you the most convenient way to get your magnet & message into your customer''s hands.
  • Studies show postcards with magnets attached are much more widely read than ordinary direct mailers.
  • Price includes printing in full-color (four color process) on both sides of postcard and front of magnet, addressing, adhering of magnet to postcard.
Production Time: 9 Working Days
250 $2.10 each
500 $1.39 each
1000 $1.04 each
2500 $0.84 each
5000 $0.63 each
10000 $0.55 each
25000 $0.47 each
Folded post cards give you extra impact in your direct mail (or bulk mail) marketing especially when a magnet is included.
Your 3.5 x 4 magnet (25 mil) is glued in the inside of the folded post card, giving you the most convenient way to get your magnet & message into your customer''s hands. Postcard is 8.5 x 11 folded to 8.5 x 5.5. Note, the postcard is non-laminated. Studies show postcards with magnets attached are much more widely read than ordinary direct mailers.

Mailing Forms are included in the template file.

Normal Production Time
9 Working Days

Product Size
8.5 in. x 5.5 in. (folded)

27 lbs per 400 pieces

Country of Manufacture
United States

Additional Information
Price includes printing in full-color (four color process) on both sides of postcard and front of magnet, addressing, adhering of magnet to postcard. Metallic or fluorescent colors cannot be printed in full-color.
We offer the processing of one mail ready* address list at no extra charge. Additional lists will incur added processing fees. Postage is extra. Postcards are not automation compatible mail.
*See options tab for list specifications.

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